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Application procedure

STEP1Choosing a property on this website

  • This website allows you to search for apartments based on the period of your stay.
    For example, if you are staying for three month, click the “Three Month” icon and the properties that are available for three-month contract will be enlisted on the screen.
  • Next, inserting your requests “See Details” for the property that fits the requirements.

STEP2Contact the preferred property

  • Click “See Details” and the rent, furniture/equipment information, and images of the property will be available.
  • If the property is available for residence, contact the property through the “Inquiry Form”, which is located at the lower end of the screen.
  • After inquiring, the person in charge of the property will send you an E-mail that includes information related to room availability* and cost fees.
  • Please utilize with the consent of the “Terms of Service”.

*Please be aware that the room may become unavailable if others have applied for that property before you.

STEP3Visit the preferred property

  • If you wish to visit the preferred property, please include the date you would like to visit the property in the “Inquiry Form”. The person in charge of the property will inform you with specific instructions.
  • A visit allows you to be familiar with the environment around your apartment and help you get used to the distance between your apartment and Waseda University before making your decision.

STEP4Apply to the preferred property

  • If you have found your preferred item and have decided to apply, follow the procedures that are instructed by the person in charge of the property.
  • Please ask the person in charge if it is possible to depending on your stay period.
  • The cost fee may vary depending on the contract period so please look over the written estimate for the total cost when you make the contract. Also, if there is any unclear detail, inquire the person in charge until you are fully satisfied before making the contract.
  • Some property requires a guarantee. In that case, the person in charge of the property will check if the insurance company is acceptable instead of a guarantor. 

STEP5Conclude the contract

  • After submitting the application, the person in charge will contact you for approval.
  • Before signing the contract, please read carefully and make sure that everything is well-understood.

The following needs to be carefully examined:

Rental fee, Expenses check that the prices enlisted are the same.
Contract period see that there is no error in the period of contract.
Midway cancellation see if any cost arises due to a midway contract cancellation.
Method of the first payment concerning the payment before residing, please check with the person in charge of the property if the preferred payment method (for instance, overseas bank transfer or credit card payment) is acceptable or not.
Method for monthly payment in Japan, it is common to transfer to the owner’s bank account or charge directly from your bank account for monthly rental payment. However, some property allows you to pay through the convenient store or credit so please verify with the person in charge. Also, there are cases where you may be able to pay three-month worth of rental by a single payment.
Key Receiption check if you can receipt the key on the day you are moving in.

STEP6Moving in

  • After siging the contract and paying the contract fee, all that is left is moving in.
  • The procedure of key reception may vary from properties, so please follow the instructions from the person in charge of the property.

Notes for moving in are the following:

When you move in, please check the condition of the room.

For instance, if there are scratches or smudges on the window already, please take pictures of them and send them to the person in charge. For the reason that you may be held responsible to pay for the damage.

Make sure you know how to use the equipment properly.

Most properties have instruction manuals in the room so please read over them carefully if there are any unclear points. If you still do not understand after reading the instruction manual, please contact the person in charge of the property.
There is equipment like the gas stove that can lead to serious disaster if used incorrectly.

Check carefully the ones above and have a convenient university life in Japan.

Otherwise, if there are any problems for those who applied or signed contract using this website, please contact down below.

Contact Information

Tokyo Shinjyuku Totsuka Cho 1-103 Waseda STEP21
Waseda University Student Housing Center
FAX: 03-5285-3135
Closed days: Saturday ・Sunday・National Holidays (Summer・Winter Break also)


  • 本Webサイトでは、住みたい期間から物件を絞り込みます。
  • 次に幾つかの希望条件で物件を絞り込み、ご希望に近い物件の「詳細を見る」ボタンをクリックしてください。


  • 「詳細を見る」ボタンをクリックすると、その物件にかかる費用や、家具・家電などの設備の情報、物件の画像などを見ることが出来ます。
  • 「満室」表示のない物件は「空室」がありますので、物件詳細画面の下部にある「お問い合わせフォーム」からお問い合わせください。
  • 問い合わせ後、物件担当者から空室状況*や費用に関する回答メールが届きます。
  • 「利用規約」に同意した上でご利用をお願い致します。



  • 希望する物件を見に行きたい場合は、「お問い合せフォーム」から物件を見に行く希望日程を連絡してください。物件担当者から、具体的な日程や待ち合わせ場所等の連絡が来ます。
  • 海外から本Webサイトを見ている方で物件を見に行くことが出来ない場合は、必ずしも見に行く必要はありませんが、可能な限り物件を見に行くことをお勧めします。物件から大学までの距離感や物件の周辺環境を申込み・契約前に知っておくと後悔しなくて済むためです。


  • 希望する物件が見つかり、申込み手続きをする場合、物件担当者の指示に従い、申込み手続きをしてください。
  • あなたが来日する日から帰国するまでの日程で申込みができるかどうか、物件担当者に確認しましょう。
  • 契約期間によって費用が異なる場合がありますので、契約時に必要な費用は必ず見積書をもらうようにしましょう。また、設備等で不明な点は必ず物件担当者に確認して納得の上、申込みするようにしましょう。
  • 物件によっては、保証人が必要になる場合があります。その場合、物件担当者に保証会社の利用ができるか確認しましょう。


  • 申込書を提出後、物件担当者から承諾の連絡があります。
  • 契約書にサインをする前に、不明な点がないかよく読んで確認をしましょう。


賃料、諸費用 金額に相違がないか確認しましょう。
契約期間 希望する期間に間違いがないか確認しましょう。
中途解約 契約期間の途中で解約する場合に特別な費用が発生しないかどうか確認しましょう。
初回の支払方法 入居前の支払いについて、銀行振込(海外から日本国内の銀行への送金)やクレジットカードでの支払いなど、希望する支払方法が対応可能かどうか、物件担当者に確認しましょう。
毎月の支払方法 日本では賃料を貸主の口座に銀行振込で送金するか、銀行口座から賃料等を引き落とすのが一般的ですが、物件によっては、コンビニで賃料等の支払いやクレジットカード決済が可能な場合もありますので、物件担当者によく確認をしましょう。また、月々の支払いだけでなく、まとめて3ヵ月分の支払いが出来るなどの場合がありますので確認をしましょう。
鍵の受領方法 引越日に鍵を受け取る方法を確認しましょう。


  • 契約書へサインが終わり、契約金等の支払いが完了すると、いよいよ入居になります。
  • 物件によって、鍵の受け取り方法が異なりますので、物件担当者の指示に従って鍵を受け取ってください。









東京都新宿区戸塚町1-103 早稲田STEP21
FAX: 03-5285-3135