HOME > Column > When you do not understand the rules and regulations while renting a room in Japan.


When you do not understand the rules and regulations while renting a room in Japan.


When living in rental housing in Japan there are unique rules of Japan which are difficult to understand at first for the foreigners.

We will give you some examples.

Contract signing

  1. The rent must be paid in advance (prepayment). 
  2. Delay in payment of rent and delinquency are strictly prohibited.
  3. You cannot sublet the property or any part thereof to a third person or let the person whose name is not in the contract live there.
  4. In an event of a long-term absence please notify the management. *When you are away for about one month.

Living in

  1. Do not put personal belongings in the common areas.
  2. As for returning the room back to the original condition※ the tenants shall be responsible for the stains and detects caused by intentional negligence.
  3. Please follow the garbage disposal rule. * Adhere to the rules made for each residential area and building.
  4. Please be careful about the noise. ※ Especially late at night from 22 o’clock to 5 o’clock.
  5. Pets are prohibited.

Process for lease termination

  1. Lease termination notification period varies from property to property so please be careful.
  2. It is necessary to pay the restoration fee and move all your belongings out of the room.

The main content is above.

We have received a great cooperation from GTN, our partner company on creating this column.

(※ The only guarantor company specialized in foreigners in Japan is our partner GTN.)
Regardless of the above, GTN company will provide you the multilingual support if you have any questions or concerns in your life in Japan. If you need a guarantor company, please contact Waseda University Student Housing Center.




  1. 家賃は前家賃(前払い)です
  2. 家賃の支払い遅延、滞納は厳禁です
  3. 契約者以外の方への転貸禁止、規定者以外の複数人入居禁止
  4. 長期不在時は管理会社に連絡必要


  1. 共有部分には私物を置かない
  2. 原状回復について室内美化
  3. ゴミ出しルールの順守・徹底
  4. 騒音について要注意※特に22時~5時の深夜帯
  5. ペットは原則禁止です


  1. 解約予告期間が物件により決まっていますので要注意
  2. 室内美化、残置物処理、原状回復費用の精算が必要

