検索結果 384件
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DK House Tokyo Nerima(DKハウス東京・練馬)
3-27-10 Nukui Nerima-Ku Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 51,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 15,000 / month |
Key money礼金 | JPY 30,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | JPY 20,000 |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 - Seibu Ikebukuro line Fujimidai St. 西武池袋線富士見台駅5 minute(分)
DK House Tokyo Shinkoiwa(DKハウス東京・新小岩)
4-4-5 Shinkoiwa Katsushika-Ku Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 51,000~JPY 80,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 15,000~JPY 22,500 / month |
Key money礼金 | JPY 30,000~JPY 60,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | JPY 20,000~JPY 40,000 |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 -
JR Sobu line Shinkoiwa St. JR総武線新小岩駅8 minute(分)
JR Sobu Rapid line Shinkoiwa St. JR総武線快速新小岩駅8 minute(分)
4-6-5 Shimotakaido Suginami-ku Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 135,000~JPY 250,500 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | - |
Key money礼金 | JPY 20,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | - |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 -
Keio Line Kamikitazawa Station 京王線上北沢駅8 minute(分)
Keio Line Sakurajosui Station 京王線桜上水駅10 minute(分)
4-33-14 Hakusan Bunkyo-ku Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 144,000~JPY 273,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | - |
Key money礼金 | JPY 20,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | - |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 -
Toei Mita Line Hakusan Station 都営三田線白山駅3 minute(分)
Tokyo Metro Namboku Line Honkomagome Station 東京メトロ南北線本駒込駅9 minute(分)
Green Share Nishi Ogikubo(Green Share 西荻窪)
2-8-15 Nishi Ogikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 78,000~JPY 84,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 24,000 / month |
Key money礼金 | JPY 50,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | - |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 - JR Chuo Line Nishi Ogikubo St. JR中央線西荻窪駅7 minute(分)1 minute(分)
Campus Living Eco-da(Campus Living 江古田)
Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 93,000~JPY 99,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 24,000 / month |
Key money礼金 | JPY 30,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | JPY 20,000 |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 -
Toei Oedo Line Shin Egota station 都営大江戸線新江古田駅1 minute(分)
Seibu Ikebukuro Line Ekoda station 西武池袋線江古田駅8 minute(分)
Cozy Share Nakano(Cozy Share 中野)
1-15-22 Arai Nakano-ku Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 54,000~JPY 57,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 20,000 / month |
Key money礼金 | JPY 30,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | - |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 -
JR Chuo Line Nakano St. JR中央線中野駅7 minute(分)1 minute(分)0 minute(分)
Tokyo Metro Touzai Line Nakano St. 東京メトロ東西線中野駅7 minute(分)1 minute(分)0 minute(分)
Cozy Share Ikebukuro-Nishi(Cozy Share 池袋西)
4-20-10 Nagasaki Toshima-ku Tokyo
東京都豊島区長崎 4-20-10
Rent賃料 | JPY 51,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 20,000 / month |
Key money礼金 | JPY 30,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | - |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 - Seibu Ikebukuro Line Higashi Nagasaki St. 西武池袋線東長崎駅5 minute(分)1 minute(分)0 minute(分)
No vacancy満室
KITAZONO Women's Student Dormitory(北園女子学生会館)
2-6-1 Kaga Itabashi-ku TOKYO
Rent賃料 | JPY 77,000~JPY 89,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 21,000 / month |
Key money礼金 | - |
Security deposit敷金 | JPY 70,000 |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 - JR Saikyo Line Jujo St. JR埼京線十条駅12 minute(分)
No vacancy満室
BeGood IkebukuroⅡ(BeGood 池袋Ⅱ)
3-15-22, Ikebukuro, Toshimaku, Tokyo
Rent賃料 | JPY 72,000~JPY 75,000 / month |
Common service fee 共益費 | JPY 14,000 / month |
Key money礼金 | JPY 30,000 |
Security deposit敷金 | JPY 20,000 |
- Nearest station
最寄駅 -
Yamanote line Ikebukuro St. 山手線池袋駅9 minute(分)
Seibu Ikebukuro line Ikebukuro St. 西武池袋線池袋駅9 minute(分)